Special Encounters With 11:11 (eleven-eleven), 220 (two-twenty), And Other Numbers.

As one possible source of reference, one might gather by listening to callers into the popular late-night radio program, Coast to Coast AM, that the time 11:11 seems to be popping up in unusual ways for a good many people. As you listen further to this program, you learn that people also claim heavily-repeated ongoing encounters with at least a few other numbers as well. As an example of this, I believe that the current host of this radio program during the weeknights, George Noory, mentioned that he personally encounters the number 111 to an unusually high degree. And various callers to the program have reported unusually frequent encounters with other numbers as well. So could these occurrences mean something special or are they merely tricks of the mind?

Most people, especially scientists, tend to explain these types of occurrences as simply illusions brought about in the mind thanks to the influence of the subconscious. The idea is that once a person has their attention focused on any particular thing for whatever reasons, then the subconscious mind will automatically help to draw that person's attention back to the same item whenever it becomes presented to them again for some period of time thereafter. Otherwise, the same item would usually go unnoticed. In other words, whatever the thing is that seems to be repeating more often than normal isn't really doing so but rather just seems this way due to how the subconscious mind is suddenly drawing attention to the presence of it, whereas it hadn't been doing this before. And because we typically don't feel the subconscious mind at work, we usually become easily fooled into believing the illusion.

So is this all that is really going on then? Is it all just an illusion? Are all of these situations where a time or a number seemingly repeats itself at an unusually high rate merely tricks in perception caused by the subconscious mind, or could there be other, perhaps more meaningful things going on as well in such situations, at least on occasion? Of course it must also be noted that according to statistics and random chance, things can and do at times repeat heavier than normal for various lengths of time, with the longer the span of time for each such occurrence, the less often an occurrence of its length generally take place. But couldn't there also be times when various numbers and perhaps other things as well that are heavily repeating above normal have some type of an actual meaning behind them beyond these normally accepted explanations? Couldn't there also be cases where perhaps such an occurrence is being made to happen by some form of an intelligent force that we simply aren't fully aware of the existence of yet?

Most people would likely dismiss such an idea, not because they can prove it as impossible, which they really cannot do, but usually simply because these other, seemingly more likely explanations do in fact exist and are much easier to accept, deal with, and believe in. But perhaps this form of reasoning simply acts as an intended shield to protect the more mysterious possibilities from ever being provable. Perhaps things of a more "spiritual" type of nature do indeed exist but that it is by some intelligent design that any influences from them can easily be masked and hidden via the more "logical" or "natural" types of explanations. Maybe a creative intelligence may have simply wanted to make it easy for us to become caught up in a belief system where we can easily exclude things of a more "spiritual" nature from existing. Perhaps in a possible, previous existence we may have had a continuous, undeniable "spiritual" type of knowledge always present in us and we therefore simply desired to experience a form of existence where such would no longer be the case, perhaps just to find out what it would be like, which could possibly be the entire reason that physical reality was created.

I realize that such a series of speculations does seem quite a stretch and does have a lot of 'maybe's and 'perhaps' as a part of it, but this still doesn't make it an impossibility. So, in assuming that such a possibility is indeed the case for us and that some of the highly-repeated-above-normal occurrences may indeed be caused by intelligent, spiritual influences of some form, why would they be doing this? One idea is that perhaps they are trying to send some form of a message to us in the best way that they can but that it is coming through poorly because of the nature of the separation between our two different realms. Maybe one of the best ways for them to even try to send us a message is via repeating things for an unusual number of times, perhaps being that by doing so, they won't be breaking any "laws" set forth for our realm by otherwise perhaps proving themselves to exist. Or maybe this is all that these particular intelligence's are even capable of doing in terms of their ability to influence our reality.

Another possibility for such occurrences, this one having been mentioned on the Coast to Coast radio program by callers on more than one occasion, is that, concerning encountering the time 11:11 in particular, it supposedly represents a kind of wishing well like situation at the time of its sighting. What this means is that whenever the person unintentionally encounters this time on a timepiece, he/she is being signaled by some intelligent force that they can, right at that very moment if they choose to do so, state to the universe within their head (or otherwise) whatever it is that they most want to have happen within their life right then. And then, as a result of doing this, the person's stated desires are supposedly more likely to happen for them, this type of 11:11 sighting therefore representing a symbolic gateway of sorts that apparently occurs for the reason of attempting to help the person better reach their goals and dreams in life (albeit via a rather strange and fanciful means for offering such help if it really does have any truth to it as such).

Another obvious possibility, at least to me, is that seeing the time 11:11 at a highly repeated rate may represent perhaps a message from either the subconscious mind or from a higher spiritual intelligence, perhaps even the person's "higher self," if such can be accepted to exist, that the person's remaining time for something is short. This notion is based on the well-understood idea of an "eleventh hour" concerning the time that remains for something to become completed. This type of a possible message may be intended to apply only to something of significance to that individual, or it may be a more generally applicable message intended for all of us, perhaps concerning the possibility that we might be in the end times concerning our civilization, although I certainly hope this not to be the case.

There are perhaps an unlimited number of possibilities as to what might be going on of a spiritual/intelligent/communication nature involving various highly-repeated-above-normal occurrences of encountering the same numbers over and over again. In fact, beyond these various ideas of these occurrences on occasion being some form of messages from a spiritual realm of some sort, they might instead at times represent some form of a strange "echo" within our reality. Maybe the basic idea of it being nothing more than the subconscious mind drawing extra attention to further encounters with the same item is wrong; and what might instead be happening, at least on occasion, is that either our own minds at some level or otherwise some form of a universal intelligence may be somehow actually creating the additional, future presentations of the involved item. In other words, based on our very thoughts, perhaps some number of future presentations of the item are actually being created into the very fabric of space-time as a special form of an "echo" of some sort that is based purely on our thoughts and expectations, just as seems to happen sometimes within some nighttime dreams. For example, in a dream I might start thinking about having encountered an apple on some prior occasion, and then after some short period of time, I might then suddenly find myself encountering another apple within the same dream, this effectively portraying a kind of "echo" of my thoughts at the moment. Quite frankly, I lean toward giving this latter idea a slightly greater possibility compared to the earlier ideas of such occurrences at times being communicated messages, this being the case for me simply because of how poorly such messages are otherwise making it through to us. However, I truthfully do not and would not rule out any possibilities, no matter how remote they might seem.

And this now leads me into mentioning relatively briefly about my own personal experiences with some seemingly heavily-repeating numbers within my own life. First, I do, in fact, find myself unintentionally encountering the time 11:11 to what seems like an unusually high degree. This had started happening for me at some significant length of time before I'd started hearing anything at all about such a thing occurring for people, even including from any radio programs. So it wasn't some external influence that had made me start thinking about my encounters with 11:11, but was instead that I had actually found myself seeing it appearing over and over again for a seemingly unending period of time that had caused me to start thinking about this type of thing in association with this particular number. Whether it happens to be AM or PM seems to make no difference with seeing 11:11 for me, and it truly tends to pop up usually at least three times every week even though I am not either noticing for it or otherwise clock-watching a lot.

Much more unusual than this, however, is the fact that for perhaps over ten years now, the same thing has been happening for me concerning the number 220, and even at a much greater frequency of occurrence. This number pops up for me in unusual ways typically at least once each day. And my encounters with these numbers, especially the number 220, usually occur in manners that stand out as being odd in an attention-grabbing sort of way. For example, at the very end of a computer task that I was completing very recently that had nothing whatsoever to do with this topic, the final item that showed up on the screen was the number 220, it popping up unexpectedly in the very center of my vision all by itself and with my not having thought about anything dealing with numbers whatsoever beforehand. And this is just one example of the many ways that these occurrences have typically been of an unusually strong, attention-grabbing variety for me, they're occurring usually at least once every day and often more times than this, particularly concerning the number 220.

And perhaps most interesting in my case is that there is a potentially significant connection between these two numbers. A person might notice that when these numbers are examined closely in a comparative fashion, the digits of the number 220 are actually the sums of the various groups of the digits within the time 11:11. In other words, the time 11:11:00 (using an arguably-preferred default value of zero seconds) can easily have its three time-element digits added together individually to form 2:2:0, which of course can quite easily represent the number 220 by simply ignoring the colons. So this potential connection between these two numbers--something that I hadn't become aware of until only recently, long after I'd began seeing both of these numbers quite frequently--may have been intentional if one is to allow for the possibility that their apparently-increased frequency might actually be some form of a message brought about by an intelligence of some type (although compared to the idea of these occurrences instead being "echoes" within the fabric of reality, this contrasting idea isn't really one that I would speculate as having the greater possibility).

Of course there is always, once again, the logical, scientific point of view that argues for all of this as simply being the basically-meaningless, illusion type of event that is produced as an accidental trick of the mind by the subconscious as explained earlier. But why limit oneself to such mundane, restrictive, close-minded ideas when there are so many other, far more interesting things that could be going on as well and certainly cannot be proven as impossible? Why not be at least somewhat open to other possibilities? After all, without exploring and allowing for other possibilities and ideas beyond the naturally more logical ones, we perhaps might never be open enough to eventually find any other possible meanings behind such occurrences beyond just what science and logic believes them to be. The most logical or scientific explanations for an initial mystery aren't always what end up being later found to be taking place. So if there does, on certain occasions, happen to be an alternative, less-likely explanation for something such as this that may have a much greater potential value and truth to it, then it would serve us all quite well to be at least open-minded enough to allow for its possibility.

--MarkEO    [January 4, 2007 - Ref#10001]



Name:  "MarkEO"

(Mark Evan Ober)

Mark was born and raised in the United States by a religious pair of loving parents. He maintained spiritual qualities and associated wisdom from his earlier religious lifestyle far into his present adult life. One of Mark's greatest passions that he's maintained since his early teenage years is the contemplation and exploration of our existence both in terms of our reality as well as the many things that seem to go far beyond it. Fascinated with attempting to understand reality from a combined spiritual and scientific perspective, Mark has a natural but somewhat unusual quality of maintaining a high degree of open-mindedness toward virtually any idea. This not only keeps his mind truly open to unusual ideas and theories, but it also acts as a balancing force to keep him from becoming too strongly aligned with any particular idea or belief that he may at times happen to prefer over others. Having also developed a love for science and scientific procedure within his life, Mark also hopes that a more open-minded type of science can eventually emerge in order to hopefully help in better allowing for an easier understanding to take place of the greatest mysteries within our existence. He feels that perhaps the universe is aligned much more closely with consciousness as a creative force than science is currently willing to grant as possible within its strict methodologies and understandings. He also feels that religion may be a highly simplified and distorted expression of various significant past and future events that could instead be caused by not-yet-understood natural cycles within the universe rather than by acts from a vengeful Creator-God carrying out willful punishments on mankind. Although Mark does indeed feel that a Creator-God exists as an active consciousness at some level, he prefers to believe that the Creator of all-that-is is instead a loving observer rather than a being who either exhibits anger and destroys things as a result or otherwise forces changes in things through some other means. He instead prefers the idea that the ultimate God of all existence loves all of creation and as such accepts it just as it is with full love, sympathy, and understanding at all times.